The Journey So far...
Deeds not Words Towards Liberation has been up and running for some 7 months now and, although we have a long journey ahead, we have already achieved some key milestones.
Day one of the Project really commenced the moment we received the phone call from The HLF to indicate that they had approved the Project and we would be funded. Day one consisted of meeting with several key members of the team including Leren, Sharon, Julie H and to begin to strategise and take the activity plan from paper into the real world.
The journey so far...
We have gone live on most of the website and starting to fill in the blanks with regard to content
Followed up some amazing leads for oral histories
Trained a growing number of volunteers in a variety of skills which will enable them to make a substantial contribution to our project
Amassed a significant and growing archive on Women's History - let the scanning and organising commence
Are in the process of organising several trips and visits for our volunteers and members of the public
Had several meetings to discuss and plan the journey and especially around our upcoming exhibitions...
Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far and we welcome those who will contribute in the future. Join us on our ambitious journey!