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Please read all the rules and information on the poster and the registration form. Complete and send in the form at the same time as you submit your artwork or essay. Under 16s must have their form competed by an adult carer/parent. We look forward to receiving your entries. Scroll down to access the over 16 Competition Form and information.

Please read all the rules and information on the poster and the registration form. Complete and send in the form at the same time as you submit your artwork or essay.  We look forward to receiving your entries


Look for inspiration all around you but use your imagination and experience to make it your own work


Undertake some background research (use this website but also go beyond it for inspiration and about the suffrage and Women’s Liberation Movement. For example knowing the meaning of the colours purple, green and white and why they are so important in the Women’s Movement and Women’s Activism might help you decide on your colour scheme. Equally knowing what the Venus sign or other symbols used in the women’s movement mean may also assist with your concept and planning what you include.


For Essays create a plan and proof read carefully. Tell us a story you think we need to know about ‘How Women’s History Relates To You’ and make it as interesting as you can.


Take inspiration from posters out there BUT be mindful of Copyright laws and restrictions.


This website, notably the Derbyshire 100 Women List will assist you in knowing about local Derby and Derbyshire women


It is always useful to look at your resources – those you already have and what you made need


Plan out your idea before you commit to the final layout and what you will include on your final essay or poster.


Planning your work can also help to make sure that you have room for everything.


To balance the colours and tones work on your whole poster (don’t finish one corner and then start on another) at the same time


Sketch out in pencil first. Use a clean eraser to remove unwanted pencil lines.


Don’t worry too much about mistakes (unless they ruin the work or are really big ones which change or detract from you really want to do) as these can add uniqueness and character to your final poster. Mistakes can be creative and take you in an entirely new direction


Typography or letter is an important part of a poster, If you are including lettering in your artwork, make you have enough space for it, and remember that sometimes typography IS THE ARTWORK


If you choose a theme then please think about how it relates to theme and what you want to convey/show.


Don’t forget that an essay can also include or indeed be made up entirely of images which tell a story


Work in a well lit room and at a comfortable height.


Do protect your work between sessions


Don’t miss the deadline


Most importantly…have fun

Some Poster/Essay Competition Tips

Over 16 Competition

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